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How To Unstack in Procreate In 2023- Complete Guide

In this post, I will teach you how to unstack in Procreate and I will also give some extra information on how to stack in Procreate. Unstacking in Procreate is very simple to do and is also very useful for Procreate users who make artwork about different themes. So let’s get right into this so that you will know how to unstack in Procreate.

The photos and video that will be used are from Procreate Pocket but you can still understand and follow it because procreate pocket is very similar to Procreate.

How To Unstack in Procreate

1. Open up Procreate, to begin with, and take some time to look at what you want to unstack.

2. If you’re looking at your stack right now hold the artwork that you want to unstack you can use your pencil or finger to hold it.

3. If you hold it long enough you can see that you can drag your artwork but if you want to unstack more projects at the same time just use your other hand with your other hand you don’t have to hold it that long you can just click on it but remember you have to keep holding your first project to do this.

4. Now drag your project to stack you can know if you’re doing it right if you see that the text stack turns blue.

5. After you dragged your project/projects to stack you are now in the beginning screen again you can now place your projects wherever you want them to be.

good job you know now how to unstack in Procreate.

How To Stack In Procreate

You know now how to unstack in Procreate but it would be helpful if you also know how to stack artworks together. Stacking in Procreate is really a lifesaver for Procreate users and a lot of Procreate users were very happy when Procreate announced it. Let’s say you have a lot of artwork about nature you can stack all your nature projects in one stack and your other themes can be all together in one stack too.

1. Open up Procreate, to begin with, and take a minute to see what you want to stack.

2. Now hold a project with your finger or pencil till you can move it, you can also stack multiple projects if you click on one but remember you have to keep holding your first project to do this.

How To Unstack in Procreate

3. Now drag your project/projects to another artwork you can know if you’re doing it right if you see that the artwork that you want to drag your project/projects to is turning blue if that happens you can stop holding.

4. If you dragged your project to your artwork and stopped holding it should now be a stack. You can also give your stack a name to do this just open up Procreate and do not click on the stack itself just click on the word stack under it and now you could give your stack a name.

How To Unstack in Procreate

Good job you know now how to unstack in Procreate and stack in Procreate.


What Are Stacks Used For?

A lot of Procreate users use stacks for putting related subjects together its actually like a sort of file 1 subject and in that 1 subject, there are related projects. So let’s say you make artwork about the space you can place all space projects in one stack and you can place your other themes in another stack. This is really a lifesaver for Procreate users that make different types of artwork you can even make new artwork in the stack itself so if you’re done with your artwork it automatically saves in the stack pretty useful right.

Are There Different Methods Of How To Unstack Or Stack In Procreate?

Yes, there are but most of the time those are just small things because what I teach in this post are the basics of unstacking or stacking and yes maybe there are some faster ways of doing it but like I said these are just the basics of unstacking and stacking. But if you want to know how to know the different methods of unstacking and stacking I would suggest you take a look here or watch the video Mabey you like these explanations better or do you want to see different methods.