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Procreate Pocket Review 2023 good or bad?

Procreate Pocket is a digital painting and Illustration app that is available on the app store and is created for art designers in this post we will talk about its features, about what it is, pricing, and a few things more, and in the end, we will give you a conclusion so stay tuned till the end.

What is Procreate Pocket

Procreate Pocket is a powerful digital art app designed for iPhone users. you can just carry an iPhone in your pocket and you can Create art anywhere you want. the pocket version also has some powerful features and an amazing set of tools that you can use to optimize your designs. the pocket version is also very easy to use It has an easy interface so whether you’re a beginner or a professional art designer pocket is a perfect option for your needs. but we hear a lot of questions like is Procreate the same as Procreate pocket? Let’s get right into that.

Is Procreate the same as Procreate Pocket?

To answer your question in a quick way ”A little bit”. Pocket basically offers the same features and tools as Procreate but the layout is a little bit different than Procreate with Procreate you can work on bigger screens and you have some extra space left and it allows you to have more layers and create bigger-sized projects at a very high quality. with pocket, you can only use a canvas size of what iPhone you’re using this may not be so good for complicated artwork. but don’t worry you can still create some amazing artwork if you want to create some fast and simple designs or show your designs to the world or friends and you don’t want to bring your whole iPad with you the pocket version has got your back.


Pocket and Procreate both have a 1-time payment structure, unlike any other apps. so if you buy it 1 time you can enjoy a lifetime of its creative freedom so you do not have to pay every month. and there is no free trial or premium version of the apps so you can enjoy all the features and tools Procreate Pocket and Procreate has to offer.

  • Procreate Pocket Pricing: $5,99
  • Procreate Pricing: 12,99


  • Powerful brushes: Pocket offers a vast collection of high-quality brushes that Artists can use. At the moment they have 150+ built-in brushes but the best thing about it not just painting brushes they also have brushes in different styles like AirBrushes, water brushes, organic brushes, and much more.
Procreate Pocket: Brushes
  • Time Laps recording: Artists can record their drawing process as time-lapse videos making it easy to share your art projects with other speed painting videos.
 Procreate Pocket: Time Laps recording

High-Resolution Canvases: allow artists to create big and detailed artwork With high-resolution canvases, an artist can produce professional-grade creations ideal for sharing online or printing. so whether you print it or share it online the image will be pleasing to the eye.

  • Brush Studio: With this amazing feature you can design your own custom brushes and you have over 100 customizable settings for every brush
Procreate Pocket: Brush Studio
  • Import: you can import and export custom brushes you can show your brushes to your friends or show them to the world
  • Continuous auto-save: ”did you forget to save” no problem with Continuous Auto save you can never lose work again
  • Color Drop: With a color drop, you can simply choose a color from your design and drop on another color It saves a lot of time
  • Vector: You can use vector text in your Illustrations

Remember these are just a few of the many features that Pocket has to offer Try Pocket yourself to explore a lot more features.

Conclusion Is Procreate Pocket worth it?

I think if you’re focusing on a powerful and affordable digital art app made for iPhone pocket Is the best option there is. $5,99 For a lifetime And you have access to 150+ brushes and way more I mean I think it’s pretty safe to say that this app is one of the best digital art apps for artists there is, If not the best. and the app itself is so easy to use whether you are a professional or just a beginner The interface is designed very simply just for you to understand And yes Maby the first time using it can be a bit tricky but after using it for a while It’s pretty easy to understand. So what are you waiting For! Get the app now and Unleash your creativity Now.